So if you’re a regular traveler, this headline is NOT something that you want to see:
TSA airport screeners’ ability to detect weapons declared “pitiful”
Seriously? Not only is the headline enough to make you shake your head, but if you read the article, it talks about how 95% of clandestinely-tested contraband actually got past TSA security. Think about it – 95 times out of 100, the TSA failed to stop a potentially dangerous person.
And this is just the stuff we tested for! Can you imagine what’s getting through that we don’t even know about?
Yes…just look at all the planes that have fallen out of the sky over the United States since 9-11. Oh wait! There haven’t been any. That’s because Al Qaida and ISIS are our allies now, right? Must be, since several planes have been taken down in places where TSA does not operate. Seems like myopic ignorance is the hallmark of American discourse these days.